Frequently Asked Questions
- What is Rent-to-Own(RTO)?
Rent-to-Own is renting with the option to buy. We allow you to rent a storage building for a specific term, at an affordable rate, with no obligations. If you make timely payments for that term, you will own the building. If you do not want to keep the building, you can return it at any time with no penalty.
- What are the benefits to RTO?
- No Credit Check - Obtain ownership of the storage building without tying up your cash - Affordable monthly payments to fit your budget - No long term obligation - Convenience of storing your belongings at home instead of at an offsite facility
- Can I pay the storage building off early?
You can pay off your contract at any time with no penalty. This is called Early Purchase Option(EPO). We will apply a discount to your rental agreement based on the term and the number of payments you have made.
- Do I have to own the property where my building will be located?
No. You are not required to own your property, but you will be required to provide us with your landlord’s address and contact information along with a signed Landlord Authorization.
- How do I get started?
Visit your local Handi-House sales lot and ask about our program. An extremely knowledgeable agent will help you pick out a building that meets your storage needs and fits your budget.
- What is required?
-Copy of Driver’s License -Social Security Number -Employer Verification -Proof of property ownership or signed Landlord Authorization -Your primary and alternate phone numbers -Minimum down payment
- When and how to I pay?
You will make monthly payments for the term of the rental agreement, or until you return the building. After the minimum down payment is made, your next payment is due usually within 30 to 45 days after the building is delivered. We accept credit/debit or checking account payments by phone or online. We also accept payments by mail or you can even receive a discount for setting up your account on our auto-draft option.